500-Foot Alcohol Law is Strict in New York State
Interesting New York State law that you may have never known. If you are going to drink alcohol or go buy some you are going to start noticing this in your town. If you are trying to open up a bar or a restaurant this is a very important law to note.
What is the 500 Foot Law in New York State?
You cannot have a bar, restaurant, liquor or wine store within 500 foot of a church or school. The law was made in 1993, but there are some places that are 'grandfathered in'. If you are renewing a liquor license, you do not need to worry. If you are buying an establishment that has been there for years and need a NEW license, you are not grandfathered in and could be denied if you are close to a church or school.
The 500 Foot Law prohibits the Authority from issuing an on-premises retail license for the sale and/or consumption of liquor to any premises which is within 500 feet of three establishments that are currently operating with on-premises liquor licenses, according to the New York State law. The restriction applies to:
- on-premises liquor licenses (bars, restaurants, hotels);
- special on-premises liquor licenses (taverns, theaters);
- bottle club licenses (establishments that provide alcoholic beverages for free or allow BYOB, no sales permitted); and
- restaurant-brewer licenses (brew pubs).
You may have never know this law, but there are actually a ton of New York State Liquor Authority Laws that bars and restaurants should know. For example, did you know that Jello-O shots that are sold at a bar are technically illegal?