It’s time once again for our Hometown Hero, brought to you by Batavia Downs Gaming with help from our friends at WNY Heroes who help us with our nominations every week.  This week, our Hometown Hero is from Sloan, NY.  It’s Alex Gonzalez!

Alex enlisted on July 11, 2008 and deployed to northern Iraq.  He was the lead gunner and always had to keep his attention high.  He made many new friends who quickly became family while being deployed.  His nomination mentioned that he will always miss the comradery that he had.

Gonzalez has a wife and 4 children who unfortunately noticed a difference in him when he returned home.

He was activated many times in support of Hurricane Sandy, the Snow Storms in Buffalo, NY; among others and always stepped up to help others.   He still continues to do so volunteering his time to assist WNY Heroes in events and other volunteer opportunities, as well as helping other veterans in times of need.


It’s never easy to see someone you know and love change.  We appreciate the sacrifice made by him and his family.  This week, we are proud to name Alex Gonzalez our Hometown Hero of the week!


If you would like to nominate your own Hometown Hero, click the button below. We like to honor both active duty and veteran heroes from right here in Western New York.

Thanks once again to Alex Gonzalez from, our Hometown Hero of the week!


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