Amherst Landmark to Close Replaced By Townhouses
It's been known as Average Joe's Bar & Grill for the past 15 to 20 years. Before that it was known as the Sweet Home Bar & Grill. But its location at Sweet Home and North Ellicott Creek Roads in northwest Amherst has been somewhat of a landmark for decades.
Average Joe's has always been a convenient spot for people to stop for a cold one and a light meal. When Sweet Home High School alums get together for reunions it's always on the agenda. When football officials finish a game at Sweet Home it's always a destination for a "post-game meeting." We had a Get to Know Show there back in April with Devin Dawson.
Now comes word that Average Joe's will be closing, the building demolished and in its place townhouses will be built. A development company has been working on plans for three one-story townhouses on an adjacent property and just recently the Average Joe's property became available.
Ah yes. That's just what we need. More townhouses, condos and apartment buildings. At one time Sweet Home was a two lane country road. Now it's become a high-speed highway with heavy traffic, especially near Average Joe's with cars and trucks racing by to and from I-990.
Average Joe's has always been a local landmark and a link to the Sweet Home Road I once knew. It'll be sad to see it fade into history only to be replaced by ordinary residential buildings. And even sadder is that with all those new residences it'll bring even more traffic.