'Don't tell me what you can't do.  Show me what you can.'  That's something that my dad used to tell me when I was a kid to prove that what I could do was more often than not better than the things that I couldn't.  This little boy is an inspiration to anyone who thinks that they've got something standing in the way of something that they want to do.

Determination can get you a long way.  Ask Nicholas Maxim, an elementary school student at Readfield (Maine) Elementary School.  Nicholas was born without his upper limbs, a knee, and his lower leg.

Even without his limbs, he went on to win a penmanship contest.

Nicholas' principal was so impressed by his handwriting that she decided to enter him into the National Handwriting Contest.  And he won.  Out of 200,000 students, his handwriting was the best. 

AOL News has the rest of the story.

Photo courtesy of Flickr user peterpearson

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