Busy Lancaster Street Getting Bike Lane + Parking Lane
If you're in Lancaster you're (hopefully) excited about all of the new plans coming to town. Some would say that the 'downtown' Lancaster is so underwhelming. It has so much potential, but it is starting seeing some revitalization.
For starters, the roads are getting a bit of a makeover close to downtown Lancaster. You know how you go down Central Ave, and you go "is this two lanes or one lane?" Well, there will be a bike lane AND a parking lane installed on Central from Pleasant Ave. to Walden. The construction will last for two weeks starting Monday, July 27.
In addition, some roundabouts are being planned to come to 'downtown' Lancaster in the near future. The project is already underway and the plan is that 3 of them will be installed.
- One right at the corner of Pleasant Ave and Central (right by the old Petals to Please and Rite Aid street light)
- Another roundabout right at Aurora and Pleasant Ave.
- Then one more that will be done last, right across the blue water tower going to a nearby street that will be eventually paved.
You can see the plans and map on the Village of Lancaster website:
The intent of the project is to replace the signalized intersections at Central Avenue/Pleasant Avenue and Aurora Street/Pleasant Avenue with landscaped roundabouts. These new intersection treatments will reduce congestion and emissions, while improving pedestrian safety and advance downtown revitalization efforts. The project will also include the investigation and design of a “Complete Street” along Pleasant Avenue to better serve pedestrians, bicyclists and transit users.