Dale’s Visit to the South Buffalo Pizzafest
Pizza lovers take their pizza seriously here in Buffalo. Some people don't even give it a second thought to call somebody else names if your choice of best pizza places isn't the same as yours. Nick Potozniak called me an idiot and moron because my choices didn't match his.
Many of my favorite pizza places are in the northtowns because that's where I live. Many of the people who commented on Facebook suggested I try some of the pizza places in south Buffalo and in the southtowns so what better way to kill a couple of birds with one stone by attending the South Buffalo Pizzafest.
A couple hundred people turned out for the event that featured a pizza eating contest, a reaper wing eating contest and about a dozen of the southtown's best pizza places. Tickets were a dollar a piece for any food or beverage item and to me that's an incredible deal. What do you get for a buck? You get a nice slice of pizza and they weren't just samples, so I had to pace myself to be able to sample as many as possible.
So while I was there I spoke to a lot of people and got an idea of some of the places they like to go, but I have to say I was disappointed that the one that's mentioned most often wasn't even there. How can you have a South Buffalo Pizzafest when the favorite pizza place doesn't show up. Business must be good.
Anyway, here's how it went on Sunday afternoon...