Bitter, Freezing Cold Temps Coming Next Week To New York State
Temperatures are going to look a lot different next week in New York State. The temps will drop nearly 30 degrees from where they are right now. The weather will go from the mid-50s and windy to below-freezing by next Friday. Temperatures next week will be in the high 20s starting next weekend. The cold front will finally catch up to the usual December weather in New York State.
Starting Friday the 9th, the temperatures will cross over to below freezing and stay there for some time.
In Western New York, Buffalo and the surrounding areas received up to 80 inches of snow last week, which is seemingly almost completely gone with the rain and high temps this week. Most of Western New York is only seeing grass and pavement out their windows now.
The Most Competitive Colleges In New York State
Future college students: Here are the colleges and universities in New York State that are really hard to get into - so be prepared to work hard!
$1 Million Orchard Park Home Looks Like It Belongs on HGTV
This $1 million home for sale in Orchard Park looks like it could be featured on HGTV.