Food Trucks Returning to East Aurora After Pause Order
Food trucks are set to make their return to East Aurora after the village town board passed a new law.
The new regulations passed by the board extend the distance from where a food truck is permitted to be in relation to a restaurant. Previously, a food truck could be parked 100 feet from a restaurant. Now, food trucks must be 500 feet away.
According to the Buffalo News, the distance is measured from the restaurant's building, patio, or the property line.
"If the patio is a permanent addition, it shall be included as part of the restaurant." -The Buffalo News
Food trucks must also now provide a recycling bin for customers, and new exceptions are allowed to the previous regulations that stipulated food trucks couldn't park in the same location for multiple days.
As well, the yearly fee for food truck vendors in East Aurora was cut in half, to reflect the shorter food truck season. The Buffalo News reports annual fees would be $450, residents would pay $350, and a 24-hour permit is $100.
Food trucks haven't been permitted in East Aurora since June 1, when the village board imposed a 60-day moratorium while new regulations were discussed.
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