Very Early Frost Warning in Buffalo, New York
Is there a frost warning for Western New York in SEPTEMBER? It seems very early, right? Yes, there is a frost advisory.
Channel 2 meteorologist, Patrick Hammer took to twitter to tell us there is a frost advisory for the last day of September, which is TOMORROW. This frost advisory is a month ahead of last year.
If the frost does arrive, it is officially the end of the growing season. You would be safe to put your lawnmower in the back of the garage or in the shed and cover it up.
If you are a big gardener, you are going to want to do a few things to get ready for the frost here in Western New York.
1.) Resist watering. You could potentially hurt your plants if they, in fact, already stopped growing after the frost.
2.) Use mulch. Put mulch on the garden to give it a good covering in order to try and give it that extra layer of protection.
3.) Don't let any of your hanging baskets stay outside. Make sure you bring them inside.
What is your best advice for gardeners in Western New York?
A SURE SIGN WINTER IS ON THE WAY: Clay and Company's YOU SNOW ITS COMING contest is coming back to Buffalo in mid-October! We give you a specific date on the calendar and if it snows for the first time in Buffalo on your calendar date, you win a brand new snowblower. There will be a spot to enter online later in October.