Having 3 Boys Under 4 Years Old In A Pandemic
Having three little boys under three years old is challenging no matter the circumstances. However, with our choice to hold the older two boys out of daycare temporarily, it has introduced some new bumps in the parenting road.
I am still going to work as long as we are able to. My wife Elizabeth has the boys all to herself until I get home around 11am most days. I have no idea how she keeps it together. There is rarely a time when the older two (3 1/2 yrs and 19 months) are not getting in to things they shouldn’t or pushing and shoving or demanding snacks. All this while she is often feeding our newborn, Gus.
But some funny things do happen that make me laugh, even in the chaos.
Like when our oldest, Hank, decided to land the largest poop I have ever seen and it took me hours to unclog the toilet. Who knew a child that small could impact our plumbing so much. Teddy, our 19 month old, is now becoming an expert at throwing food at lunch and taking off his own diaper when he wants to. That brings a few surprises through the day.
I do my best to try to teach the boys about hard work and why it is so important to appreciate the things we have.
After nap time, mid afternoon, we typically get outback and explore or play or help with my yard chores. I think that this country will need blue collar workers more than ever and I am trying to teach them that they will always have theirs hands to use as tools. The fresh air is so important and really helps when bedtime rolls around.
I have been trying to come to grips with our situation these days and sort of equate it to when our country faced the depression and World Wars and what families had to do to overcome. The greatest generation is so respected because of their ability to overcome and thrive through adversity while living as simply as possible. I fear the days that may be ahead and the sacrifices we will all have to make. It's surreal.
Because our sons are so young, what is happening hasn't affected them in the way it does or school aged kids. The way they go to school and learn will be much different than it has been in the past. I am trying to keep our family upbeat and positive. I owe it to these boys. It’s my job to give them the best possible start and equip them for the reality they are going to face all while having a smile on my face and enjoying those little moments like a toilet clogging poop.
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