Major Tax Removed In Parts Of New York State
The winter will be here before you know it in New York State. While the summer heat is still fired up, and thunderstorms are passing overhead, some lawmakers are already thinking ahead to when we will need our furnaces.
In Erie County, in New York State, there is a push to remove the tax on heating fuels in an effort to help residents save money.
It is rare that we hear or read anything about tax break on any service and this one is pretty big.
The Erie County Legislature has approved a plan to temporarily drop all county sales tax on home heating bills. The sales tax would not be added to customers' bills during the coldest months of winter -- December, January and February. Right now, Erie County has a four-point-seven-five-percent sales on home heating bills.
I'm pleased to announce we've reached an agreement with the legislature to extend the sales tax for 2 more years, reduce the 2024 property tax levy by $1 million, and eliminate sales tax on residential heating for the upcoming winter months.
The summer is not over yet. In fact, an argument can be made that the BEST part of summer is ahead of us. With county fairs and festivals and the start of the Buffalo Bills training camp, the start of August is exciting!!