Here’s How Much Tax You Will Be To Use Uber In Buffalo
Buffalo and all of New York State will have to pay a tax per ride, of course. Why wouldn't the State want to make money off of something?
In Governor Cuomo's budget, on EVERY SINGLE UBER RIDE, you would have to pay a 5.5% tax in order to use Uber that would go to New York State for a "state assessment" fee. In addition there will be a 2% surcharge to be used toward worker compensation costs for drivers. According to WGRZ:
His bill would allow the state Department of Motor Vehicles to audit the companies, require them to do a series of background checks on drivers and have at least $1 million of insurance for every ride.The 2 percent surcharge to cover worker compensation costs would be revisited by a board appointed by Cuomo, legislative leaders and industry officials, which would then set a permanent rate.
The State expects to gather about $16 million off ride sharing in New York, but again when will it arrive to the rest of the State? Some of the tax money would be recycled to local transit programs as well.