I Tested Positive For COVID-19, Here Is What Happened
Last week while I was on vacation, my wife got the call that nobody in 2020 wants to get. She was told that someone she had direct contact with just tested positive for COVID-19 and that we should get tested too.
The phone call came on Sunday morning and already at that time, my wife was feeling a bit under the weather. Here is timeline of our COVID-19 dialogistic.
Sunday morning 11/22 - Wife gets call saying that someone she works with just tested positive for COVID-19. Later that afternoon, she is not feeling well, suffering from fever, body aches, and chills. It is like a mild form of the flu.
Sunday evening 11/22 - Wife's symptoms are getting worse. She had a fever of 102.4 body aches and the chills. She said she felt like she had the flu. I did not have any symptoms.
Monday 11/23 - Wake up, and my wife is feeling better. She still have a mild fever (100.7) and body aches and chills. I woke up with minor body aches and a fever of 99.7. We decide to sign up for COVID testing and are scheduled to go on Tuesday. We also let the 3 people that we were in close contact with over the weekend about our symptoms. The good news is that we were all wearing masks during our time together.
Tuesday 11/24 - Wife's symptoms are getting better. Her fever is gone and so are the body aches. She has now lost her sense of smell. She is still very tired. My fever has creeped up to over 100.5 and my body aches are getting worse. We go and get tested for COVID-19. We are told it will take 3-5 days for the results.
Wednesday 11/25 - Wife still has no sense of smell and still is fatigued. Her fever is gone as well as the aches and chills. I lost my sense of smell and my fever is back down to around 99.7. Also my body aches are just minor now. Both of us are still very sluggish and feel tired.
Thursday 11/26 (Thanksgiving) - Both of us still don't have our sense of smell and are sluggish. The good news is that our fevers, body aches, and chills are gone. The biggest issue is fatigue. Big thanks to my dad and step-mom who dropped off Thanksgiving dinner at our front porch. We couldn't smell it, but we still have taste.
Friday 11/27 - We get a call in the morning that both of us have tested positive for COVID-19. We are told that we need to quarantine for 10 days from the start of our symptoms and that we can't leave our home until we have been fever free for 3 days, Both of us still have no sense of smell and are fatigued. The good news is that we don't have a fever, chills, or body aches.
Saturday 11/28 until Now - The good news is that when Erie County went to Orange Zone status, we stocked up on non-perishable foods like pasta and soup. We also ordered food with no-contact drop-off at our front door. We still don't have our sense of smell and are a bit fatigued but otherwise feeling ok.
Overall, both my wife and I suffered from very mild cases of COVID-19. We didn't have an issues with our breathing and slept a lot over the past week. It was like have the flu but with a loss of smell.
The good news is that our son Avry is symptom-free as well as the three people we were in close contact with over the weekend. We have been wearing masks anytime we were out and about before feeling ill, and they really do work.
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