The Most Inspirational Bathroom Message In New York [PHOTO]
If you haven't been to New York City recently, it is time to book your next trip. Perhaps you have never been? There are some who have lived in New York State there entire life and for whatever reason, have never been to the Big Apple.
True, New York can be expensive and loud and busy. But beyond the things that you will find in most big cities, there is something unique about New York City and if you look closely, you can see it.
We spent my birthday weekend in New York City. I grew up in Western New York and could never imagine living or raising our kids anywhere else. But I LOVE to visit New York City. The food is amazing and you can find inspiration everywhere. While walking down 5th Avenue I noticed this orange port-a-potty with a message written on the outside that really caught my attention.
My mother in law is famous for the phrase "dreams are free". We have all heard some sort of phrase or quote about dreaming big. But do you actually act on those dreams? Even if you start small, there is no dream to big that you can't start to achieve!