Big Change Coming To The Langford Tractor Pull This Year
For years people have partied at the Langford Tractor Pull. This year, there will be a big change to the way they do it.
You may remember back in the days of the Langford Down Home Country Weekend. It was always the first full weekend in August and consisted of a huge country concert on Saturday night then the people in the fire company would turn around and hold a tractor pull the next day in the exact same place where the concert was the night before. It was an incredible weekend.
A few years ago, they did away with the concert and instead had two full days of tractor pulls.
Recently there has been a lot of talk about changes happening for that weekend and some people thought they might be bringing the concerts back. But that's not the case. It looks like that might never happen. According to a lot of the comments in their post, it appears that it wasn't cost-effective for the fire company and it was just not worth all the work that they had to put into it. After tearing down the stage and dance floor and getting the pulling area ready, some of the workers had been working almost all night long.
However, according to a post on their facebook page, the change this year is when the main event will take place. They are still going to have two full days of tractor pulls. Since they moved to the 2-day pull format, the main event pulling day has been on Sunday. This year, they're moving it to Saturday.
Weekends come at a minimum in Western New York. You have to plan way ahead to make sure to make the most of them. So this is one you might want to plan for if you're a tractor pull fan.