The Niagara County Fair is the largest youth fair in New York State and among the great things happening this week is the livestock auction this Friday!!

It is so refreshing to be back at local fairs, concerts and festivals around western New York.  One of the best is happening right now in Lockport.

The Niagara County fair is happening and draws around 35,000 people over the five day event with live music, contacts, food, rides and many many more attractions.

I found out recently that the Niagara County Fair is also the largest youth fair in New York State! And because of that, the local for age in Niagara county has many things that they are involved in and have worked on over the last few months.

Local family owned farms need our help more than ever and this Friday night the Niagara County Fair will host its annual 4-H livestock and market sale and auction.

The 2021 Niagara County Fair

From swine to beef and lamb, there are plenty of opportunities for you to help agriculture in our community and fill your freezer. After we all witnessed what happened with shortages in 2020, being able to have a stash of locally produced  items like beef and pork is very important.
If you are interested in becoming a buyer for this great event contact the Niagara county fair and he Cornell Cooperative extension in Niagara County for more information and click the link below.
Help our kids in Niagara County who work hard all summer for this big event and enjoy a great time at one of the best county fairs in Western New York.

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