Leave Immediately When You See These Purple Trees in New York State
People are seeing WAY more of these purple trees and you need to leave immediately when you see them or it is going to cause you some serious trouble.
There is a new bill that is being debated right now.
It is called the 'Purple Paint Law' on the New York State Senate website. The law already exists in states across America. If you have any property and you paint purple markings on the trees, that is lawfully regarded as a 'do not trespass' onto the property.
There are so many more people in New York State that are doing this now. According to the proposed law, there are certain criteria you would need to do to have the proper markings:
Each purple mark shall be: (i) a vertical line of at least eight 2 inches in length and the bottom of the mark shall be no less than three 3 feet nor more than five feet high. Such marks shall be placed no more 4 than one hundred feet apart and shall be readily visible to any person 5 approaching the property; or (ii) a post capped or otherwise marked on 6 at least its top two inches. The bottom of the cap or mark shall be not 7 less than three feet but not more than five feet six inches high", according to the proposed law.
The new law would solve the problem of people taking down or damaging 'NO TRESPASSING' signs, which would then of course, free them of being accused that they were in the wrong.
Check the status of the Purple Paint Law here.