This week’s Hometown Hero is a young woman who is on her second deployment with the U.S. Army. Originally from Holley, our Hometown Hero is 28-year-old Army Captain Lindsay Gaylord.

Lindsay graduated from SUNY Brockport in 2007 and was commissioned into the U.S. Army as a 2nd Lieutenant. She deployed to Afghanistan in August and will be there until August of 2014. Her job is in Military Intelligence. This is her second deployment, as she was previously deployed to Iraq in 2010.

Lindsay is a HUGE fan of the Buffalo Sabres and Buffalo Bills! Her mom is taking care of her two dogs, Ellie and Epic, while she is gone. Her mom writes that her family is very proud of her and are looking forward to her coming back home.

We are with your family on that one, Lindsay. We always love to hear that another soldier has returned safe and sound and can’t wait until you’re that soldier. Thank you goes out to Lindsay and her family and we are honored to call you our Hometown Hero this week!

If you would like to nominate someone who is currently serving our country or has served in the past, click the button at We will choose a new Hometown Hero each Friday. If their name is chosen, we will not only feature them on, but we’ll be sure to thank them for their service on the air and dedicate the first song on Noon Tunes to them.

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