Lockport Schools Soon To One of the First To Do This
Lockport Schools have been doing testing of a high tech security system that among other things will use a facial recognition system to keep students and other school employees safe. The system could go into effect beginning next week.
According to a Lockport Board of Education policy implemented last December the system will contain the photos of individuals who are barred from entering Lockport School buildings. If the system detects someone who has been barred, it will set off an alert.
Among those to be entered in the system are Level 2 or 3 sex offenders, anyone informed of or by court order not being allowed in a Lockport School building, suspended students, or staff who have been suspended or on administrative leave. The system would also bar anyone considered a threat.
What's unique about the Lockport system is that it would also detect 10 types of guns. If the system detects a gun Lockport police would be automatically notified.
The $1.2-million system was funded in part by the New York State Safe Schools Bond Act.