Look What Depew Is Doing Instead Of Forehead Temperature Scanning
Just about everyone will be back to school in Western New York this week and as you know, many are taking very cautious measures to keep everyone safe in addition to keeping up with state and local COVID-19 protocols.
You may have seen the forehead scanner in some places--restaurants, your office, schools. It kind of looks like an iPad and you stand in front of it and it can give you a reading in just seconds. The thing is sometimes they're a pain. You have to take off your mask and get your face perfectly in the screen in order for it to work.
BUT, what's happening at Depew Schools might be even easier.
They're called Wrist temperature scanners and it's the same concept, but they can tell the temperature on your wrist in just about five seconds and the machines will be located at all entrances of the school. Like other school leaders in Western New York , Depew Superintendent Jeffrey Rabey has done an outstanding job leading Depew to have a safe and successful school year during these times. According to WGRZ:
The district purchased 10 standing temperature scanners at a cost of nearly $30,000 using CARES Act funding, but according to the district superintendent, the manufacturer is backed up with deliveries.
School buildings have been transformed – hand sanitizers are in every classroom, hallways resemble streets, with traffic arrows on the floor. School leaders hope all the changes aren’t overwhelming and that the school year will start in the right direction.