Macy’s Catalog Typo Had $1,500 Necklace Listed for $47
Welp, this is one mistake I'm sure Macy's wants to take back. A typo in the Macy’s catalog listed a $1,500 necklace for just $47!
Macy’s mailed out a catalog in the beginning of March, which advertised a “Super Buy” for a 14-karat necklace. The ad was supposed to list the $1,500 pieces of jewelry at $479. But, one editor made a big uh-oh and forgot the ‘9’. He has since been fired.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, for some lucky people), customers came quick to the store in order to get their hands on the $47 necklace.
According to one guy, Robert Bernard, who tried to go to Macy’s to buy one of the necklaces, they were all sold out, and one man in front of him bought the remaining necklaces. Bernard was put in an order for one of the $47 necklaces and was told it would be sent to his house. Macy’s later canceled his purchase.
Macy’s retaliated saying, “This item has the wrong price for $47. The correct price is $479 dollars, and because of that pricing error, your order has been canceled, and I apologize."
But some lucky customers who got to the store before the correction hit a gold mine.
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