Major Repairs Coming to Erie County’s Most Dangerous Roads
Finally! Erie County Legislature Chairman John Mills has announced that funds have been approved and allocated for road repairs on some of the most dangerous roads in Erie County.
It has been a goal of Legislator Mills to get the work done for a few years and recently I had posted a video and a story about Springville-Boston Road in southern Erie County and a few other roads that I think require major attention. Not just another patch...reconstruction.
In a press release from last week, Chairman Mills said:
“Springville Boston Road has received a lot of negative attention due to its extremely poor condition, and I want to thank each and every resident who called the administration asking for its immediate repair. I am now pleased to announce the work will be done. I understand the motorists’ frustration and hope this project can be expedited,” said Chairman Mills. “As I have stated, without a doubt, Springville Boston Road must be repaired this year. Residents deserve a safe and reliable road and I am happy we can finally deliver that to them.”
This is just one of a few roads that have gone from poor to almost impassible. When you drive these roads, you have to maneuver around pot holes and craters that extend across both lanes. Drivers often swerve briefly in to on coming traffic top avoid damage to their vehicles from the conditions of the road.
This news from Chairman Mills comes as the spring construction season is about to begin in Western New York. No timing has been announced but watch for updates and detours on these affected roads.
In addition to Springville Boston Road in Concord/Boston, road work slated for this year includes:
· Lake Street from Route 5 to Main Street in the Village of Angola
· Route 240 from Holland-Glenwood Road to Foote Road in Colden/Concord
· Old Lakeshore Road from Lakeview Road to North Creek Road