Wow! The Most Expensive Coffee In New York State
You've had a long day and can't wait to get to bed! A long night sleep is just what you need to get refreshed! Before you turn out the lights and complete your bedtime routine, there is a thought that makes you happy and actually excited to wake up again...the first cup of coffee the next day!
We talk so much about "comfort foods" and how they make you feel great. They are even better on a cold, New York winter day. But coffee lovers will tell you that a warm cup of their favorite blend is like heaven! How much are you willing to spend on that cup?
Here in Western New York, there are basically three chain coffees that people prefer. Tim Horton's, Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts are the most common and, generally, the least expensive options. For those who want to be a little more fancy and spend a little more, you have to try the most expensive cup of coffee in New York State.
According to, there are 8 places that are worth the money for your burst of caffeine.
8 most expensive and exquisite coffee shops in NYC, regardless of whether you're seeking a local roaster or a particularly crafted mix, espresso, lattes, or even coffee cocktails.
In California, you will find a pricey cup of Joe.
Is $75 worth the price? As I mentioned earlier, there are some who dream of that first cup everyday and would be willing to shell out nearly one hundred dollars for it! Lately, I have been doing a bit of a throwback to my childhood and enjoying a cup of instant coffee. My parents lived off of instant coffee when we were growing up. With 5 kids, you need caffeine and coffee on a budget!