Music Is Art Fundraiser This Thursday
Keeping Music in school is a key component to having children be successful and this Thursday you can have a good time while helping out a good cause.
Music Is Art is the brain-child of Buffalonian and member of the Goo Goo Dolls Robby Takac and they will hold a massive fundraiser this Thursday (8/22/19) at Chef's Restaurant.
The event costs $45 per ticket or $80 for couple and includes food, beer and wine, raffles and so much more!
Plus the highlight of the evening is the live signed Guitar auction. This year, guitars signed by Garth Brooks, Taylor Swift, Ted Nugent, Melissa Etheridge, and the band Queen will all be part of the auction.
Check out the video for more details.
The annual Music Is Art Festival will take place on Saturday, September 7th at Riverworks and Riverfest Park.