New Bill Proposed Making It Illegal To Cruise In The Passing Lane
Sometimes you drive down the thruway and there's a car cruising at 55 mph in the left lane, sometimes as far as a couple of miles. Now, a New York State senator wants to make that illegal to do.
Senator Joesph Griffo (R-C-IP) introduced legislation that would make it a traffic violation if a motorist cruises in the left lane without passing another vehicle for a mile and a half, according to WKBW.
The legislation argues that coasting in the passing lane of the highway poses a risk to other motorists, disrupts the flow of traffic and can lead to road rage. This is so traffic can flow and run more smoothly.
It would be enforced much like a speeding ticket but no points would go off a person's drivers' license. They are still working out an appropriate fine.
Read the full story at WKBW.
What do you think of this proposed new law?