New Official Time For “Noon” In New York State
The winter is here and we are waiting for 2025 to get here! But as time ticks away, and we countdown to midnight, the middle part of the day is not exactly noon in New York State.
Traditionally, those who work have taken their lunch hour at noon, or right around noon. However, with more people working from home these days that may have changed as the hours we are working have also changed. Ask most people who work from home and they seem to be on the job at all hours of the day.
But in terms of where the sun is over New York State, there is a different time than just 12pm that determines exactly what noon is.
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I was checking on the sunrise and sunset times recently and stumbled on the graph that shows a variety of information including what the "solar noon" times are each day.
According to Cornell, "The inclination of the Earth with respect to the main plane of the Solar System along with the slight ellipticity of the Earth's orbit conspire to render the Sun's daily culmination (its maximum height above the horizon), or Solar Noon, to seldom correspond exactly with the noon reckoned on our clocks and watches".
In other words, solar noon is the time of the day when the sun reaches it's highest point.
Here in New York State, Buffalo specifically, solar noon is happening around 12:15.
As far as sunrise and sunset times for New York State, we have passed the winter solstice and the days will start to get longer. Although the cold winter has just started, it gives those who love the spring and summer hope!
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Gallery Credit: Stacker