New York State Needs to Make Amber Alert Change Immediately
There are two girls that are missing in the City of Buffalo, who apparently ran away from a residential house yesterday.
UPDATE: As of 10:00 AM, the girls are still missing.
This is an open letter of sorts.
There is an alert out right now for two missing girls in Buffalo, New York and it there is massive interest within the community to help. The two girls, ages 7 and 12, are missing on a day where the temperatures are near 0 degrees and wind chill temperatures are even less than that. They went missing around 6:30 PM on Monday night.
The two kids have been missing almost 24 hours and there is a lot of commotion on social media regarding people noticing there was no Amber Alert for the two girls.
I am not a police officer so, I get that there may be some sorts of criteria that need to happen in order to push out an Amber Alert. Maybe because they suspect they ran away? Maybe because there is other information that we just don't know. But, if it is important enough to ask for the public's help, don't you think that an Amber Alert is warranted? The Buffalo Police explain the process, but they still cannot issue an Amber Alert.
For comparison, everyone in Western New York got an emergency alert on their phone for snow coming on Sunday. While it is certainly important, it is nothing new to Buffalo, New York? The same standard of importance should be upheld when there are missing kids.
Most importantly, if this were my kid, I would want there to be an Amber Alert out there. Maybe we can somehow revisit the criteria for an Amber Alert in the State of New York. Either way, keep on the lookout and pray that these girls are safe.