Legendary Buffalo Bills Tailgate Will Forever Be Changed
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This has got to be in a museum! The legendary icon needs to be placed into a museum so that all Buffalo Bills fans can remember the good times and legendary stories of it.
The Hammer's Lot twitter announced that the iconic van, that people stand on to squirt ketchup and mustard on Pinto Ron, has died. They are looking for some help recycling it, but maybe someone can swoop in and maybe display it rather than get rid of it.
Welp Pinto Kenny’s Gray supply van- ketchup & mustard stage is done. It’s time to be recycled. Any one know of a reliable recycler in the WNY area who would treat the Van with dignity & the respect this iconic national treasure deserves? It currently is in OP. I do have the title
Take a look at the picture of the van below. I know there are a few museums in Western New York, but are there any real specific Buffalo Bills Museums?
Who is Pinto Ron? What is Pinto Ron's real name? What does he do for a living? Who is Buffalo Bills super fan that gets ketchup and mustard squirted all over his face?
Meet: Pinto Ron.
EXTRA: The National Football League and the Buffalo Bills are looking for the FAN OF THE YEAR in Buffalo, New York. The contest will be finding the ultimate fan for each of the 32 NFL teams, and the winners will be sent to Vegas for the Super Bowl this coming February.
Who Is Pinton Ron From the Bills Mafia?
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