Summer Jobs for Teens and Young Adults in Niagara County
Teens and young adults in Niagara County can apply for summer jobs. If you're between the ages of 14 - 20, Niagara County Employment and Training is looking to fill 150 jobs all across the county. It's a great way to keep busy this summer, get valuable work experience and interact with working professionals in a positive work environment. Most importantly you'll be earning some money.
The application deadline in May 10th, but the earlier you apply the better your chances of getting hired. In many cases you'll be given a job close to where you live. These jobs are funded by a New York State grant.
Among the job worksites are at schools, parks, churches, hospitals, day care centers, Niagara Falls Housing Authority, Niagara Falls tourist attractions, Lockport Youth and Recreation, Niagara County Community College and many other sites.
Applications can be found at Niagara County Summer Youth Employment Program or at any Niagara County high school guidance office. For questions, call (716) 278-8182.