This April Fools Day I wanted to prank as many coworkers as I could. I decided that throughout the month of March to record prank phone calls to several individuals. I have yet to tell those people that I was pranking them and wanted them to find out Today!
Below is the audio in which I take you through several of those calls. Enjoy!
We decided to go old school this year and prank our co-workers with a classic... the ol' bill attached to a string trick. I think we got pranked more than they did. We had the camera running for about three hours before someone came into work...
Every year since 2000, except 2001 and 2003, Google has treated netizens to at least one, sometimes 17, April Fool’s Day pranks and easter eggs. And, since we know they love to play (check out their new Google Play offering), we’re hoping 2012 will be no different.
It’s April 1st – April Fools Day. We’ve done our share of April Fools’ jokes on this show over the years. One of the best was when we announced a Garth Brooks concert and you could get your tickets by going to the Wilson Stadium parking lot and holding up your credit card to a circling helicopter with the number of tickets you wanted by holding up the appropriate number of fingers. People ended
April Fool's Day came a little early here at WYRK, everyone expects it on April 1st! The Dean of Country returned from a little weekend getaway to find his office had been transformed to a pretty pink princess wonderland. I'm not too worried about retaliation, that would require creativity and motivation...