
New Billboard Trolling Patriots Was Bought By Buffalo Company
New Billboard Trolling Patriots Was Bought By Buffalo Company
New Billboard Trolling Patriots Was Bought By Buffalo Company
Northtown Auto, based here in Western New York, put up a billboard in the Boston area that said: "BRADY CANT SAVE YOU". The New England fans have been seeing it, this weekend and the reactions have been pretty funny. It started getting to close for comfort for Buffalo Bills fans on Sunday during the Bill' win over the New England Patriots 24-21...
This Divorce Billboard By The 90 in Albany Has Got People Mad–But, It’s Genius
This Divorce Billboard By The 90 in Albany Has Got People Mad–But, It’s Genius
This Divorce Billboard By The 90 in Albany Has Got People Mad–But, It’s Genius
Haha I fell for this. As I saw the picture I said out loud 'dang, I can't believe someone approved the middle finger picture.' Some people think the billboard on Delaware Ave in Albany right by the 90 is disrespectful? Low and behold it's actually the ring finger, so it's a nod to the middle finger, but really it's the wedding ring finger...
Was This Billboard On The 290 Insensitive? PICTURE]
Was This Billboard On The 290 Insensitive? PICTURE]
Was This Billboard On The 290 Insensitive? PICTURE]
Harambe was the gorilla that was shot at the at the Cincinnati Zoo after a young boy fell into the exhibit and was dragged by the gorilla through the water. It became quite a national spectacle and even a debate about whether or not the gorilla should have been shot. ...
Bad Tonawanda Billboard?
Bad Tonawanda Billboard?
Bad Tonawanda Billboard?
Lawmakers want this taken down. It's a billboard in Tonawanda that is advertising an adult store on Transit Road by Wherle lingerie. Even the woman on the billboard, Ashley Alexiss, who is according to her Twitter bio, a plus size model responded on social media...

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