Last week, we went on vacation to Disney World. Let me just say, if it’s been awhile since you’ve been there, you should make the trip. It’s a whole new place now. One of the major changes that I’ve noticed is that if you don’t have a reservation for a table service restaurant, you’re not getting seated. So here are 5 reservations that you might want to make when planning your trip.
We are all starting to see through all this garbage right? Every time someone gets a little loud, they expect the world to bend over backward for them so they can get what they want. It's like children. The more you give into the tantrums, the more they will throw.
If you're going to challenge someone to a pushup contest, maybe it's a good idea to watch them do pushups first. You never know what you're getting into. Take for example this guy that thought he would challenge a Disney character...
This scheme will just make you want to take a shower. It’s a way to get around the rules, and it’s happening at Disney World. It’ll make you mad because most people can't afford it.