
Do You Know Why People Put Tin Foil On Their Bananas When Storing Them?
Do You Know Why People Put Tin Foil On Their Bananas When Storing Them?
Do You Know Why People Put Tin Foil On Their Bananas When Storing Them?
I've never heard of this in my life, but let me tell you how we got to this point. We have a had a big fruit fly problem in our house. We keep our bananas in our pantry and figured that was probably part of the problem, but during our research on how to stop the fruit flies (which never seem to just completely go away) we stumbled on this little tip that had us going 'what in the world is this'...
Cleaning Hack
Cleaning Hack
Cleaning Hack
This is genius! It may take you a couple minutes to make it, but look how convenient and easy it is to use. Plus, how else would you really have cleaned this? You're welcome. // This is really cool!I watched this with my mouth open...
Hot Cocoa Hacks
Hot Cocoa Hacks
Hot Cocoa Hacks
Nothing says winter like curling up on the couch with a nice cup of hot cocoa. Well, prepare to take yourself to the next level of hot cocoa nirvana.

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