Highmark Stadium and Keybank Center were the first to implement a policy on vaccinations. Since then, Sheas has joined and now UB has announced a new policy.
It was big news this week that Highmark Stadium would be moving to an all vaccinated policy for games moving forward. Now, Sheas Theatre is the latest to join them.
As of last week, vaccinations in the state of New York have declined by 41%. Now, they're trying to get people who were on the fence to get the vaccine with incentives. The latest is called "A shot in the park."
It seems strange that just a few weeks ago people were scrambling to find the vaccine, now there are clinics are everywhere...some are even offering incentives.
Western New Yorkers who want to get a vaccine are going to have another opportunity to do that, and score free tickets to Darien Lake at a pop-up vaccination clinic on Tuesday.
There are a lot of people who are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine that still haven't gotten it simply because they don't know how. But the library is available to help.