While some people tend to think the phone book is obsolete and has no real purpose, we all know better, and the phone book is perfectly suited for these things.
In Church today, the priest told a joke that got me thinking about the changes we have seen in our lives that have changed dramatically. He said, if you as a kid what sound a cow makes, they'll say 'Moo', a a sheep makes the sound 'Baa' & a mouse makes the sound 'Click, click'. He was joking about the use and dependency of technology now a days. This led me to think about the things our kids w
When’s the last time you used the Yellow Pages to look for a business, a store, a restaurant or a doctor? For some young people these days they’d say never. The Yellow Pages may soon become a thing of the past with AT&T’s announcement yesterday they’re selling their Yellow Pages business.
Cerberus Capital Management will ...
It's one thing if your name is listed incorrectly in the phone book. It's another thing if you're depending on the yellow pages to bring you some business and they list your business under the wrong category. Listing your restaurant under 'Animal Carcass Removal'....them's fightin' words.