Takeout Alcohol Has Been Canceled In WNY
If you have been used to ordering some booze to go over the last 16 months, there is a change that you need to be aware of that is taking place this week in New York State.
According to reports, the days of take out alcohol are coming to an end.
For the first time in several months, bars and restaurants will no longer be able to sell beverages such as wine and cocktails on a to-go basis. A bill that would have extended alcohol-to-go sales was introduced in the state Legislature but never passed.
The pandemic brought about so many changes. Most of which were designed to help local and small business stay alive. Since the COVID guidelines prevented people from gathering in large groups indoors, many restaurants were forced to close permanently. However, with curbside pick up, delivery and take out booze, those businesses that could adapt in some way were able to make it through.
But the convenience of cocktails on the go has come to an end. The New York Post reports that
The spirits-crushing restriction will require all bars and restaurants to stop selling the travel drinks at 12:01 a.m. Friday, according to state officials.
I will say that the curbside pickup has made things so much easier for us. We have three little ones and not having to get them out of the car seats just to run in and grab an order is so nice. The only booze we ever ordered was wine from liquor stores.