The Top 5 Places To Live In 2100 – Buffalo Is On It
No, that's not a typo, Buffalo might be one of the world's top destinations in another 81 years.
That's according to climate scientists who determined the best places to live in 2100 based on today's climate science data.
According to
"Buffalo, says Jesse Keenan, a faculty member of Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design. Keenan has studied the impact of climate change on cities around the world, notably Copenhagen, Hong Kong, and Miami. He coined the term “climate gentrification,” based on his research showing that costs associated with climate change — such as rising home prices on higher elevations in coastal areas — are beginning to drive people from their longtime neighborhoods and homes. He says he’s often asked by international investors where he would move in the future, and Buffalo is his regular answer."
Here's the list of the top 5 places:
1. Nuuk, Greenland
2. Egvekinot, Siberia
3. Bangor, Maine
4. Buffalo, New York
5. Iqaluit, Nunavut
Looks like we all picked a great place to live, now and in the future.