This Story Gave Me The Chills—Why This Puppy Was Named After Officer Craig Lehner
Well, this one will pull at your heart strings.
Buffalo Police K-9 Officer, Craig Lehner passed away in a tragic diving accident in October in the Niagara River. It struck a cord throughout the entire community and he was remembered at one of the largest funerals ever in Western New York on October 17.
Lehne'rs canine partner was a German Sheppard named 'Shield'--after Buffalo Police Officer James Shields died in a car crash responding to a robbery call, 15 years ago as of last week.
Today--James Shield's son got a dog--a German Sheppard.
And named her Lehner.
I got the chills when I heard what they named the new puppy, and as one person put it, "Definitely a story of God's grace in the midst of tragedy."