WNY School Administrators Respond To The Buffalo Mass Shooting
After the mass shooting that took place on Saturday, students and parents may be nervous or uncomfortable with how to react and how to treat the situation in school or at home. We spoke with the Superintendent of the Hamburg Schools on Monday about what we can expect.
Mr. Cornell also serves as the President of the Erie-Niagara School Superintendents Association and is the Co-Chair of the New York State Council of School Superintendents (NYSCOSS) Legislative Committee.
Superintendent Cornell was very clear in stating that the relationship between home and school has to be stronger than ever.
"This is the time when the partnership between the school and the home needs to be really, really tight. Teachers know their kids well, parents know their kids best. If there is anything that we notice as a result of this, we are going to call the parents. Parents may notice some changes and should call the teacher, call the principle or counselor. We will work as partners to help the child."
Trying to process what is going on is difficult for everyone. When it comes to explaining "why" to kids, it is nearly impossible since we as adults can't seem to grasp exactly what pushes a person to have such hatred towards others. As a nation, we are dealing with so much these days and have been trying to overcome a pandemic while trying to spread love and understanding for others. President Biden will be in Buffalo Tuesday to visit with family and the community involved in the shooting from this past weekend. WNY is coming together to begin to sort it out and figure out a way to begin to heal.