7 Crazy Life-Size Animals That Home Depot Sells in Buffalo
Imagine driving down a house in your neighborhood and seeing a 7 foot tall moose or a 9 foot tall dinosaur that looks like it came right out of Jurassic Park.
I was at the Home Depot store on Transit Road in Williamsville the other day and they have all of these giant Halloween decorations. When I was looking for this giant skeleton that goes in the front yard (you know what I am talking about LOL) the woman who worked there and I were looking online for it.
We started laughing because we started finding options out there that were ridiculous. Do you want a life sized moose in your front yard? How about a 6 foot wide, life-sized crab statue? Or how about an 8 foot tall bear that your kids can play on? This life-sized (errrr, maybe it is even bigger than life-sized) bear statue could be yours for a handsome prize of just over 7000 dollars. Either way, you can have them shipped right to your house or any Home Depot store in Buffalo.
People in Buffalo love decorating their front lawns. I am not just talking about for Christmas, or Halloween or birthday parties, so I would not be surprised if anyone has anything like this in their front lawns already in Western New York.
Oh yeah, extra points if you see the 6 foot Free Willy in someone's yard LOL Happy buying!