Big Amount Of Money Coming To Help Buffalo Residents
The COVID-19 pandemic is still very real and, like many cities, Buffalo,NY is trying to make up the difference after a year's worth of financial struggles.
There is good news for Buffalo. According to reports, Buffalo will be in line to receive quite a bit of money. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said yesterday the city alone is going to get about 350 million dollars.
Government aside, it has been a struggle for just about everyone around the globe! You probably have tried to either keep your fiances in line or have stepped up to help the many local places that need our help. Restaurants and small businesses seem to have taken on the brunt after Government lock-downs and guidelines either kept them running thin or forced them to shut down as a result of their losses.
The good news? Money is coming and so is relief from the pressures. With warm weather on the horizon, and a vaccine in place, people will be getting to a more regular routine. We finally had a chance to get our youngest son, Gus, Baptized this past weekend. Although the church was not nearly as full as we would like and we only had a limited amount of people from our families present, it sure was great to be there.
Tax refunds, stimulus checks and the vaccine are all great news for individuals and families and $350 million dollars for the City of Buffalo is a big win!