Buffalo Dog Rescue Group Needs Your Help Immediately
Many of you know how much I love my pets. And I've found over the last couple weeks how much you love yours too. That's why I'm bringing this story to you.
Many of us would do anything for our pets. That's how the volunteers at Buffalo Pug & Small Breed Rescue feel too.
I've been following this group since we adopted our Gerti from them. So we saw their story that recently they rescued a large group of husky puppies. It's not something they would normally do, but the dogs were in need, so they took them in.
Unfortunately, now they need your help. Let me say before I go on, that I've never seen them have to do this before. Not once have I seen them ask for money. But now they're reaching out to the city of good neighbors after one of the husky puppies has encountered some health problems that will drain them of their resources.