Buffalo Museum of Science Announces Virtual Bubblefest
The Buffalo Museum of Science has announced one of their most popular events won't be canceled for this year -- instead it'll go virtual.
BubbleFEST will be held on September 25 and 26, and instead of coming to the museum for the fun, registrants will get a special home activity kit to participate, virtually.
The BubbleFEST at Home activity kits are specially curated by the Museum’s Learning and Interpretation team, and give you the materials and instructions for five experiments.
Also, the museum will provide instructions for two bonus activities that use materials from home.
Included in the kit is a Zoom login to see a presentation on "the scientific power of bubbles," says the museum's website.
Then you can submit your best photo or video of your bubbletastic adventures using the hashtag #BuffalosBestBubble for a contest.
Activity kids for BubbleFEST at Home are $25 and include enough materials for one child. Additional kits can be purchased for $20.
You can find more information about BubbleFEST at Home at the Buffalo Museum of Science website.