Have you ever heard of these urban legends of Cheektowaga, New York? When it comes to urban legends you have two types that people might tell you: real stories that happened, or at least stories that COULD have been real.

And then you have stories that are more 'bigfoot'-like, make-believe stories.

I cannot get on board with any of these ghost stories. When I hear people that want to talk about ghost stories or UFO stories, I always think about how full of bologna they are LOL But, even if you are like me and you do not believe in any of these ghost stories, it is interesting and entertaining to read some people's theories and / or urban legends around Cheektowaga.

For instance, Daniel from Cheektowaga wrote that if you are down Indian Church Road off of Broadway, you will see a ghost at dusk. Someone in the Cheektowaga Facebook group asked if anyone has ever heard or known of any urban legends from Cheektowaga. Here are some of the most interesting responses.

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EXTRA: Cheektowaga, New York has been having another surge of rat problems in the area. This is nothing new to residents of Cheektowaga, but they have become more and more present as the weather has warmed up in Western New York. You have to see how big of a rat that one guy found the other day. He compared it to his 13-sized boot and it is MASSIVE.

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