DMV Now Offering 9/11 Commemorate License Plate
The DMV in New York State is now offering drivers a chance to purchase a new 9/11 Commemorate License plate.
Gov. Cuomo passed a law allowing the DMV to create and offer the plates to drivers in New York State last August.
According to an official with the DMV, “The plates are available, they are selling quickly, and scholarship money is being raised for the families of the victims of 9/11,”
On the plate are the words, “Never forget” and “United We Stand,”
Each plate costs an initial $85, and a $56.25 annual fee to renew.
The $85 raised from each plate with being divided into three different areas. $25 goes into the state’s general fund, and $31.25 into a bridge and highway fund, that is according to state law. Another $25 is earmarked for the state’s World Trade Center Memorial Scholarship Fund, which covers college tuition for victims and their families.
If you want to personalize the 9/11 plate, the initial cost is $116.25 plus $87.50 a year to renew.