You can compare the most common grocery items in different stores to find the CHEAPTEST prices.

Groceries are going up again in New York State. It's wild. If you have been to any of the grocery stores lately, you probably have seen something that has increased in price because of inflation.

The most popular places to get groceries in Western New York are:

  • Aldi
  • Wegmans
  • TOPS
  • Walmart
  • Target

You are going to look at some of the items and think how ridiculous the prices are. For example, wait until you see how much the regular price of peanut butter is at one local grocery store (and we are not talking about the JUMBO jar of peanut butter).

'Price Tracker' from Katie Morse and Channel 2 is going on again where they will post weekly prices of some of the most common items at the most popular grocery stores. You can see an example below, but it is an awesome tool to see how all of the groceries are priced. Check out their tracker weekly as they update it each week.

Take a look below at 3 items that were insanely prices at the grocery store last night.

Here is just a sample, go check out the full list of Katie Morse's weekly full list.
Week 1 - 2/19

Chicken Breast (per pound - large pack)
Aldi: 2.49
Target: 2.79
Tops: 2.99
Walmart: 2.67
Wegmans: 1.99

Eggs (One dozen large)
Aldi: 2.96
Target: 3.19
Tops: 3.29
Walmart: 2.78
Wegmans: 3.29

Grocery Prices 2024 since Crazy Inflation

The grocery prices have increased in price dramatically the past couple of weeks.

Gallery Credit: Rob Banks

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