In the Buf with Jo & Joe: At the Ballpark!
Is there anything better than spending the day or evening enjoying a ballgame? Maybe, but I can't think of any right now. Joe and I are suckers for anything that includes hotdogs, ice cream, peanuts, cheering and dancing! Their fireworks are off the hook. Sometimes when I'm on the air in the WYRK studio at night, I get to watch the sky light up from the 12th floor of the Rand Building as the window faces Coca-Cola Field. I turn off all the lights in the studio. WOW!
Going to "Coke Field" is always a fun summertime jaunt for us, with friends or on our own. Everyone is happy at a Bison's Baseball game and we make friends easily! Tickets are always reasonable and I find coupons too.
Here's their schedule from and we sure hope to see you there! We'll be the ones partying in the handicapped seating section, yelling, "Swing batter batter-SWING!"