Popular Infant Product Get Recalled In New York State
There is a good chance that you or someone you know, has gotten the news that they are expecting a baby soon! There is definitely a post-pandemic baby boom that is happening here in New York State. As exciting as that news can be, it is equally as scary for new parents.
The worries and the fears that parents have when they are just getting started on their family is completely understandable. After just 9 months, suddenly YOU are responsible for another human for the rest of your life! It can be overwhelming and after having three kids and one on the way, I still feel that fear with our kids.
As hard as you try to protect them, there are always going to be things that you didn't plan for or research that can come up. But beyond the fears and anxiety of being a parent, there is simply nothing more rewarding or that gives you as much joy as being a parent.
That being said, it never hurts to pay attention to the things that are popping us as being unsafe or recalled. There is one item that is back in the news and experts say to stop using it.
This is an item that was previously in the news after reports of injury and death.
The good weather is here and it is that time of the year to remind your older kids and toddlers about paying attention when they ride their bikes, or swim. We are certainly not expert parents. But after having four kids in under 7 years, we have learned to help them focus more on keeping themselves alert to certain dangers.