Ever need advice from someone outside of your family and friends?  This app will help to guide you on your next steps.

Your family and friends will sometimes hold back on the truth.  But something we all know is that strangers won't...especially on the internet.  If you want what could be considered brutal honesty, you have to go outside of your circle of loved ones.

It's called The Bestest App and it's a social media app that allows anyone to make a poll and have their peers and strangers vote on it.

The app was created and developed by two people right here in Buffalo when Lalit Goel and Kelly Helmuth met at the University at Buffalo Technology Incubator in 2001.

Helmuth tells WKBW, "Users do not even realize the need," Co-founder Kelly Helmuth said. "I liken it to when the IPod came out...people didn't even know they needed or wanted it, and as soon as they are on it they are addicted."

So if you want to know if a certain outfit looks good, or if you should cut your hair a certain way...this app will give you the public's honest opinion.

You can download The Bestest App now in the App Store or Google Play.

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