New York State Restaurants May Not Ask You For Tips
When payday comes around, poof, the money is gone about as fast as it hits your bank account. It doesn't seem to matter how hard you try to keep the cash you have, it is becoming harder and harder to save. Everywhere you go, someone is trying to get their hands on your money but that may come to an end.
The idea behind the word TIP is to insure prompt service. When we go out to eat or have a service like a haircut performed, it is commonly expected that we will add a gratuity of our choosing to the final tab. It not only is the nice thing to do, it feels like there is pressure from society to do it as well. Don't add a tip and you are looked at like a monster.
The amount of money that a person adds to a final bill as a tip for the service varies based on a few things. Most often, it is a percentage of the final bill or doubling the tax or just a flat amount at the end. If the service was great, you may add more. If the service was bad, maybe less. If you are in a good mood or feel generous, the tip may be way more than expected.
There are current reports that some places and services will no longer ask you to add a tip or gratuity. The idea is that people are trying to save their money and don't want the added pressure. Tip amounts have actually gone down since places have started to flat out ask for a tip.
People are tipping less in part because of inflation, experts say. They are also overwhelmed with the number of places that give them the option to tip with a card on an iPad, leading people to be less generous.